FHRS API Endpoint Index (Version 2)


GET Countries/{pageNumber}/{pageSize}

Returns details of all countries, page parameters allow for page number and size specification.

GET Countries/basic/{pageNumber}/{pageSize}

Returns a basic list of countries, details can be retrieved by calling countries/{id}, page parameters allow for page number and size specification.

GET Countries/basic

Returns a basic list of countries, results are unbound.

GET Countries

Returns details of all countries, results are unbound.

GET Countries/{id}

Returns details of a single country, selected by Id.


GET Authorities/{pageNumber}/{pageSize}

Returns details of all authorities, page parameters allow for page number and size specification.

GET Authorities/basic/{pageNumber}/{pageSize}

Returns a basic list of authorities (id/name), details can be retrieved by calling authorities/{id}, page parameters allow for page number and size specification.

GET Authorities/basic

Returns a basic list of authorities (id/name), details can be retrieved by calling authorities/{id}, results are unbound.

GET Authorities

Returns details of all authorities, results are unbound.

GET Authorities/{id}

Returns details of a single authority, selected by Id.


GET Regions/{pageNumber}/{pageSize}

Returns details of all regions, page parameters allow for page number and size specification.

GET Regions/basic/{pageNumber}/{pageSize}

Returns a basic list of regions, details can be retrieved by calling regions{id}, page parameters allow for page number and size specification.

GET Regions/basic

Returns a basic list of regions, details can be retrieved by calling regions{id}.

GET Regions

Returns details of all regions, results are unbound.

GET Regions/{id}

Returns details of a single region, selected by Id.


GET BusinessTypes/{pageNumber}/{pageSize}

Returns details of all business types, page parameters allow for page number and size specification.

GET BusinessTypes/basic/{pageNumber}/{pageSize}

Returns a basic list of business types, details can be retrieved by calling countries/{id}, page parameters allow for page number and size specification.

GET BusinessTypes/basic

Returns a basic list of business types, results are unbound.

GET BusinessTypes

Returns details of all business types, results are unbound.

GET BusinessTypes/{id}

Returns details of a single business type, selected by Id.


GET Establishments/basic/{pageNumber}/{pageSize}

Returns a basic list of establishments (id/name), details can be retrieved by calling establishments/{id}, page parameters allow for page number and size specification.

GET Establishments/basic

Returns a basic list of establishments, details can be retrieved by calling establishments/{id}.

GET Establishments/list?id[0]={id[0]}&id[1]={id[1]}

Returns a list of establishments, selected by Id.

GET Establishments/{id}

Returns a details of a single establishment, selected by Id.

GET Establishments?name={name}&address={address}&longitude={longitude}&latitude={latitude}&maxDistanceLimit={maxDistanceLimit}&businessTypeId={businessTypeId}&schemeTypeKey={schemeTypeKey}&ratingKey={ratingKey}&ratingOperatorKey={ratingOperatorKey}&localAuthorityId={localAuthorityId}&countryId={countryId}&sortOptionKey={sortOptionKey}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Returns a collection of establishment details, based on provided search parameters. All search parameters are optional.


GET SortOptions

Returns details of all SortOptions, results are unbound.


GET SchemeTypes

Returns details of all SchemeTypes, results are unbound.


GET ScoreDescriptors?establishmentId={establishmentId}

Returns details of all scoreDescriptor, results are unbound.


GET Ratings

Returns details of all ratings, results are unbound.


GET RatingOperators

Returns details of all RatingOperators, results are unbound.